How to get from Moscow to Sheregesh by train, plane or car


In this article I will tell you about all the ways to get from Moscow to Sheregesh, we will try all the ways, we will find the least costly and time-consuming way to get to your destination!

How to get from Moscow to Shergesh?

You can get from Moscow to Sheregesh in several ways:

  • Airplane
  • Long-distance trains
  • Your personal car

Get to Sheregesh by car

Getting from Moscow to Sheregesh by your own car is the most difficult way, both in terms of effort, time and money. I will not paint this method much, it will hardly suit anyone, although very many "tourists - outbid" from the Far East like to drive to the capital for cars, so you can be in profit, bring a cheap car from Moscow and get to the village of Sheregesh in order to go downhill skiing in everyone's favorite ski resort.

Route map with distance to the village of Sheregesh from Novosibirsk, Novokuznetsk, Barnaul, Kemerovo

Everyone, we figured out this method, I will move on to considering the issue of traveling by train, it is suitable for those who are used to saving money, this method is the cheapest way of all the listed ones, but tickets during the ski season are not easy to find.

How to get from Moscow to Shergesh by train?

  • get to Novokuznetsk,
  • to Novosibirsk,
  • to Barnaul,
  • to Kemerovo.

If you decide to take a train from Moscow to Novokuznetsk, the cost of a reserved seat ticket will be 4500 rubles per person, 6500 rubles in a compartment. Next, you will need to change to bus number 101 from the bus station to Tashtagol, from there take a local bus directly to the village (the bus station is 100 meters away) or book a taxi. From Novokuznetsk to Sheregesh it takes about 3 hours and 179 kilometers of distance.

To get to Novosibirsk by train, and from Novosibirsk by bus to Tashtagol, the distance is about 540 kilometers, the cost of a bus trip is 800 rubles, the travel time is about 8 hours. Then, all by the same local transport directly from the Tashtagol bus station to the village.

To get to Barnaul by train, the cost of a trip from Moscow to Barnaul will be 4,300 rubles. Then you will have to change to a train to Novokuznetsk, and there it is already according to the scheme known to you. The method is not very successful, but each person has their own affairs that will force them to go along this route.

To get to Kemerovo from Moscow by train, the cost for a reserved seat in the Kuzbass brand train will be 6500, in a compartment 9000 rubles, luxury 19000 rubles. Then we change to a bus to Tashtagol, the fare is 430 rubles, we reach the stop "TsMK", then we change to the 101 route we already know, which runs every 15 minutes to the village. You can order a taxi, it will cost you about 500 rubles.

There is also a train from Kemerovo to Tashtagol, you will need to get to the Kondoma station, then by shuttle bus # 101 from the bus station to the village of Sheregesh.

To Sheregesh from Moscow by plane

You can book the cheapest air ticket right now, and you can buy a ticket cheaper than at the airline ticket office itself, it has been tested on my experience of traveling to different countries of the world. Also, do not forget to look for tickets through Aviasales, there are also great offers there.

There are several ways to get to Sheregesh from Moscow by plane. Fly to Novosibirsk, to Novokuznetsk and to Kemerovo. All other routes are more expensive financially, and it will take the most time to get there.

Let's sum up the flight from Moscow to Shergesh by plane:

  • If you decide to fly to Novosibirsk, then the air ticket price is minimal compared to other cities of arrival, but the distance will be 540 kilometers and 8 hours of travel by regular bus.
  • If you decide to fly to Novokuznetsk, then this is the closest airport to the village, from the airport you will have to travel only 180 kilometers by regular bus to Tashtagol, then we change to a local bus or order a taxi, but the cost of the air ticket will be much more expensive.
  • The only and least expensive way to get to Sheregesh by plane is to fly to Kemerovo. The distance to the destination will be 400 kilometers by regular bus.

To book a hotel:

What is required for skiing in Sheregesh?

Of course, this is a snowboard or alpine skiing, we read about how to choose a snowboard in my separate article, about how to choose alpine skis by height, weight and other parameters we also read in a separate article. If you do not know how to prepare ski equipment for the new season, then we also read a separate article on preparation. Everything, all routes have been laid, the inventory is ready for the new season, now you know how to get from Moscow to the village of Sheregesh, the rest is up to your desire and your capabilities.
