Sri Lanka - seasons and weather by months. When is the best time to rest


Monthly weather in Sri Lanka. Features of the climate. The rainy season and the dry season. We find out when and to which part of the island it is better to go to rest.

Sri Lanka is a small island nation in the Indian Ocean. Tourists love the island for its mild climate. There are no sharp jumps in temperature, the difference between cold December and hot April is only a few degrees. The air temperature slightly exceeds the comfortable +30 degrees. The sea is warm, the water temperature in the ocean is + 28 ° C.

Cheap tours to Sri Lanka search on Travelata and Level.Travel - they compare offers from over 120 leading tour operators. This is how you can find the best tour. The voucher is issued online. The cost of rest - from 65 thousand rubles for two, last minute tours can cost even cheaper.

Montht air during the dayt water
January+30 ... + 33 ° С+ 28 ° C
February+29 ... + 30 ° С+ 28 ° C
March+31 ... + 33 ° С+ 29 ° C
April+ 34 ° C+28 ... + 29 ° С
May+32 ... + 34 ° С+ 28 ° C
June+ 31 ° C+ 28 ° C
July+ 33 ° C+27 ... + 28 ° С
August+ 34 ° C+27 ... + 28 ° С
September+ 32 ° C+ 28 ° C
October+ 32 ° C+ 29 ° C
November+29 ... + 30 ° С+ 27 ° C
December+28 ... + 30 ° С+ 28 ° C

Sri Lanka Monthly Weather


The hot and almost dry month is the best time to relax in Sri Lanka. The air temperature in January reaches +30 ... + 33 ° С during the day, +23 ... + 24 ° С at night, the water in the ocean reaches + 28 ° С. Precipitation is rare and insignificant: at night there are short refreshing showers, during the day - rain and bright sun at the same time. The highest air temperatures are in Colombo and Bentota - the air temperature can reach + 33 ° С, in Galle and Hikkaduwa - up to + 32 ° С.


There is practically no precipitation. Many tourists consider February to be the most suitable holiday destination. During the day it is stable warm - about +29 ... + 30 ° С, at night from + 20 ° С to + 23 ° С, the water in the ocean is about + 28 ° С. The most comfortable weather is in the southwest of Sri Lanka: in Beruwela about + 30 ° С, in Colombo up to + 32 ° С.


Daytime air temperature +31 ... + 33 ° С, night temperature +24 ... + 25 ° С. The water in the ocean is about + 29 ° С. The number of rainy days is increasing, the showers become longer and stronger, and may be with thunderstorms. In the southwestern part of the island - Bentota, Negombo, Wadduwa - winds blow at the beginning of the month, sometimes there are short and warm showers.


April is the last month before the rainy season and is the hottest. The amount of precipitation almost doubles. The air temperature rises and reaches + 34 ° С during the day, + 27 ° С at night, the water in the ocean is +28 ... + 29 ° С. You can go on vacation in April to any resort in Sri Lanka, but for a beach holiday at the end of the month, it is better to prefer the resorts of the northeast coast.


Monsoons begin to operate. It is very hot and humid: +32 ... + 34 ° С during the day, + 28 ° С at night, there are few sunny days, frequent tropical showers. The southwestern region is flooding. The ocean water becomes cloudy and unsuitable for swimming. In the north-east of the country, it is sunny and about + 30 ° С, there is little rain. The coolest resort on the island, Nuwara Eliya, reaches maximum temperatures in May: + 27 ° C during the day, + 18 ° C at night.


The rainy season is in full swing, there are few sunny days. Most of the time it rains at night, and it is cloudy during the day. It is very damp in the southern part of the island, in the northeast it is dry land and more sun. The water is + 28 ° C, but it is difficult to swim because of the strong waves. The average air temperature is + 31 ° С, although it feels much higher.


Monsoons join heavy tropical downpours, hot and strong winds do not bring the expected coolness. In the west, it is very rainy, sometimes rivers overflow, which causes floods. It is hot and sunny on the northeastern coast - in Batticaloa and Trincomalee + 35 ° С during the day, in Jaffna + 32 ° С, the water in the ocean is +26 ... + 28 ° С.


In August, rainfall in Sri Lanka is already less, but humidity remains high. Overcast, although sometimes sunny days slip. The weather in Sri Lanka in August creates acceptable conditions for recreation on the southwestern coast of the island - in Kandy, Bentota and Galle (about + 30 ° C), but sometimes waves appear. In the northeast, the ocean is calm and warm - up to + 29 ° С, the air temperature during the day is + 34 ° С.

Weather in Sri Lanka


The weather in Sri Lanka in September has not yet settled down, it is still cloudy, a frequent occurrence - zenital rains. Storms in the southwest, although the water is warm. In Halle +28 ... + 30 ° С during the day, + 26 ° С at night. In Bentota there is a strong wave, and in Unawatuna the lagoon protects from the waves. In the northeast, there is much less heat and precipitation.


It is best to relax in October in Sri Lanka in the east of the country, since the western monsoons are in effect. In Trincomalee and Batticaloa + 33 ° C during the day, about + 25 ° C at night. However, by the end of the month the weather in the northeast begins to deteriorate - the rainy season is approaching. For a beach holiday in the south of Sri Lanka, only the Unawatuna lagoons are suitable, the ocean is calm and warm up to + 29 ° C. Colombo is hot and rainy.


The high tourist season begins in the second half of the month in Sri Lanka. At the end of November in the southwest it is already dry and warm: the air temperature is +29 ... + 30 ° С during the day, + 26 ° С at night. The water temperature in the ocean is + 27 ° С. In the northeast, rains are exerted by the monsoon.


December in Sri Lanka is considered the coolest month. It rarely rains. During the day +28 ... + 30 ° С, at night +23 ... + 24 ° С. The ocean is warm - up to + 28 ° С. In the southwest, the beach holiday season is in full swing, in the east it rains, but most often at night. The mountains are cold and humid.

Features of the climate of Sri Lanka in different parts of the island

In Ceylon beach holidays are possible all year round... You just need to take into account that the climate of Sri Lanka is slightly different in different parts of the country. In the northeast, the climate is subequatorial, in the southwest - equatorial.

In Sri Lanka two seasons - rainy season and dry season. Monsoons have a huge impact: from October to March, the northeastern monsoon operates, from May to September - the southwestern one. Monsoons bring precipitation and storms. In the inter-monsoon period, zenital rains can be observed - this is when there are short showers in the afternoon (the sun is at its zenith).

Average air temperature during the day +28 ... + 30 ° С, the water in the ocean warms up to + 27 ° С. The climate in the coastal zone is fresher and more pleasant than in places far from the ocean - it is hotter there, more humidity is felt.

The island is flat, divided by the Central mountain range. In mountainous areas the average annual temperature is + 23 ° С, in high mountainous areas the temperature can be much lower. Nuwara Eliya is considered one of the coldest places on the island: +16 ... + 18 ° С during the day and + 10 ° С at night.

Sri Lanka Resorts Map

The rainy season in Sri Lanka

During the rainy season, Sri Lanka receives 95% of the annual rainfall. From October to January it rains in the northeast of the island, in summer (May - October) - in the southwest, the probability of a tsunami increases, and there may be floods due to overflowing rivers.

Despite the fact that during the rainy season in Sri Lanka it is cloudy and damp, low prices for tours during this period attract some tourists. Even in cloudy weather, you can sunbathe here, and heavy showers come mainly at night. During the day, it can rain 3-4 times for 15-30 minutes. The main disadvantage for vacationers during the rainy season in Sri Lanka is the restless ocean and muddy water.

Read reviews of tourists about Sri Lanka.

Holiday season in Sri Lanka: when is the best time to go?

From the reviews of tourists, we can conclude that at any time in Sri Lanka there is enough heat and sun, and the water in the Indian Ocean is always warm. For a full-fledged beach vacation, it is better to go to the southwestern part of the island in December-April - it is sunny, dry and there are no winds. But on the northeast coast of Sri Lanka, the holiday season lasts from May to September. October and November are transitional months with variable weather.

How to plan your vacation in Sri Lanka:

  1. Look for tours at the lowest prices on Travelata and Level.Travel services. It is convenient and reliable.
  2. Check the monthly weather information above.
  3. Look at which resort it is better to go to rest in the month you need.
  4. Find a good hotel based on traveler reviews and location.

Just a few simple steps - and your vacation will be great!
