30 best museums in Yerevan


The city in which the streets breathe with antiquity is majestic Yerevan. Its history is so deep and multifaceted that it still leaves researchers with questions. Primitive tribes, medieval battles, tsarist Russia and Soviet times - what the Armenian land has not seen! Today Yerevan is a temple of tourism. The heritage of their ancestors is sacredly guarded here - Armenians never forget their roots.

Moreover, Armenia has presented the world with many talented individuals who have become recognized geniuses of art. Not surprisingly, there are so many art galleries, museums and cultural centers in its capital. The spirit of creativity reigns here, and modern masters continue the mission of their ancient predecessors - to create and surprise!

The most interesting museums in Yerevan

List, photos with names and descriptions of museums worth visiting.

National History Museum of Armenia

The museum is located in the same building as the art gallery. The construction dates back to 1921. More than 400 thousand valuable exhibits are collected here, ranging from household items of ancient tribes to modern objects of history. The halls of the museum are located on two floors of the building. Visiting them, you can trace the history of these lands from the era of primitive man to the present day.

Address: Yerevan, Republic Square, 4

Website: historymuseum.am

Cafesjian Center for the Arts

In 2009, the long-awaited opening of the exhibition hall took place in Yerevan. The author of the idea was an American philanthropist with Armenian roots. Most of the exhibits are his personal collection. The center boasts a huge variety of contemporary art objects. The authors are both Armenian and foreign artists, sculptors and architects.

Address: Yerevan, st. Tamanyan, 10

Website: cmf.am


The most impressive collection of ancient manuscripts is the real pride of Armenians. Here not only are exhibited miraculously preserved archival documents and old folios. In fact, Matenadaran is a research institute that carries out daily work on deciphering and restoring old records. The museum was created in the post-war period, and during this period has collected about 120 thousand exhibits.

Address: Yerevan, Mashtots Avenue, 53

Site: matenadaran.am

Armenian Genocide Museum

The museum is located on the territory of the memorial complex in Tsitsernakaberd park. Although the complex itself was erected more than half a century ago, the creation of the museum dates back to 1995. Halls with exhibits are located underground and in detail familiarize visitors with the causes and consequences of the genocide. An eerie page of history is presented in the form of photographs and archival documents.

Address: Yerevan, Tsitsernakaberd highway, 8/8

Website: genocide-museum.am

Modern Art Museum

The history of the birth of this museum is not easy, in the USSR it was almost impossible to create something similar. But, thanks to the efforts and charitable contributions of cultural figures in 1972, contemporary art still became available to the mass audience. The halls display significant works by masters of the XX - XXI century. The exhibits of the 60s are kept with special trepidation, because it was with their authors that the biography of the museum began.

Address: Yerevan, Mashtots Ave., 7

Site: mamy.am

House-Museum of Sergei Parajanov

The great director never lived in Yerevan, but he deeply loved Armenia and left his legacy to this country. The museum named after him was established in 1991. Parajanov's personal belongings, author's paintings, sketches, photographs are meticulously collected here. The exhibits convey the director's vivid personality. Some rooms accurately reproduce the atmosphere of the house in which Parajanov lived.

Address: Dzoragyugh, 15/16

Website: parajanovmuseum.am


One of the most ancient settlements in the world is Erebuni. The city was located on the territory of present-day Yerevan. Presumably, Erebuni originated in 782-735 BC. The ruins are located on the outskirts of the capital and represent the remains of a fortress, a temple and residential buildings. At the moment, excavations are not underway, and already restored objects can be visited with an excursion group.

Address: Erebuni, 38

Website: erebuni.am

Museum of "Ararat" brandy factory

Beloved in the post-Soviet space, cognac has long become familiar to the whole world. A peculiar symbol of Armenia, a sign of hospitality and the breadth of the soul of Armenians - the main exhibit of the local museum. The excursion includes the history of the creation of the cognac business and acquaintance with the numerous awards of the "Ararat" plant. Tourists are invited to visit the main workshops of the plant and taste the products.

Address: Yerevan, ave. Admiral Isakov, 2

Website: araratbrandy.com

Museum of Russian Art

The museum was founded in 1984. At that time, the famous Armenian surgeon Aram Yakovlevich Abrahamyan donated to the city of Yerevan his unique collection of works by Russian masters. Throughout his life, the scientist collected the creations of Russian artists, potters, sculptors and glass blowers. Abrahamyan's collection numbers about 400 exhibits. The surgeon believed that only the Armenian people would appreciate his treasures, and he was right.

Address: Isahakyan, 38

Site: musrussart.am

Yerevan History Museum

One of the oldest museums in Yerevan keeps more than 80 thousand interesting exhibits in its exhibition halls. It is especially worth noting the ancient documents, according to which the period of creation of the Erebuni settlement is traced. In addition, in the possession of the museum - weapons, orders, books and jewelry. Everything here is saturated with the history of Yerevan from the day of its creation.

Address: Yerevan, st. Argishti, 1/1

Website: yhm.am

House-Museum of Aram Khachaturian

The famous composer, dying, managed to get acquainted with the project of the future museum. But the first visitors to the house saw in 1982, after the death of the musician. Here are collected letters, records, musical instruments, one way or another connected with the life of the composer. The museum has a luxurious concert hall, where creative evenings of honored artists and young musicians are held.

Address: Zarubyan, 3

Website: akhachaturianmuseum.am

Eduard Isabekyan Gallery

The gallery appeared thanks to the generosity of Isabekyan's son. It was he who in 2013, a couple of years after the death of his father, donated to Yerevan about thirty works of the People's Artist of Armenia. At the moment, a small gallery also works as a venue for lectures and creative evenings. In addition to Isabekyan's paintings, his personal belongings are kept here - memoirs, correspondence and photographs.

Address: Yerevan, ave. Mesrop Mashtots, 7 A

Website: eduardisabekyan.com

Yervand Kochar Museum

The Museum of Memory of the famous avant-garde artist opened in 1984. Earlier, it was in this building that Kochar's working studio was equipped. The artist's work is represented by a number of unusual paintings and sculptures in the spirit of avant-garde. Kochar's works are kept in leading museums in the world, but it is in Yerevan that the most significant paintings, as well as document archives, are located.

Address: Moskovyan, 12

Website: kochar.am

House-Museum of Hovhannes Tumanyan

The museum, as a tribute to contemporaries to the works of the Armenian poet, was opened in 1953, and 16 years later the house-museum moved to a new building. This event was timed to coincide with the centenary of Tumanyan's birth. The idea of ​​creating the museum belonged to the daughter of a writer. Here you can walk through the rooms stylized as Tumanyan's house and familiarize yourself with his personal library. The collection of books numbers about 8 thousand volumes.

Address: Moskovyan, 40

Website: toumanianmuseum.am

Aznavour Center

The Armenian people have always been proud of their great compatriots. An example of this is the Aznavour Center. In honor of the great French chansonnier, a museum in memory of Aznavour was opened in 2017. Tourists have a chance to get acquainted with the life and work of the singer through interactive exhibits. In the same room there is a cultural center where concerts, lectures and other events are held.

Address: Antarain, 192

Website: aznavourfoundation.org

Komitas Museum-Institute

One of the most modern museums in Yerevan is dedicated to the heritage of the great Armenian composer. The museum opened its doors to visitors in 2015, since then classical music concerts have been regularly held here. Komitas appreciated Armenian folklore and collected it, but now the museum preserves this large collection of ethnic motives. The museum-institute also studies the life of the composer and the influence of his work on the culture of Armenia.

Address: Arshakunyats, 28

Website: komitasmuseum.am

Gallery "Gala-Art"

The Gala-Art Exhibition Center on Byron Street is a gathering place for lovers of contemporary art. People come here to admire the works of sculptors and artists of the 19th century and get acquainted with the creations of young masters. All the exhibits on display can be purchased. The prices here are very different. Both the generous art collector and the unassuming amateur will find an interesting offer in the gallery.

Address: Byron, 12

Site: gala-artgallery.am

"Micro-art of Terr-Kazaryans"

In November 2018, a truly amazing museum appeared in Yerevan, which quickly became popular outside Armenia. The creator of the museum continues the work of his talented grandfather - he makes tiny sculptures that can only be viewed through a magnifying glass. It should be noted that the family is considered the founders of such a rare art form. Before them, no one had done such a fragile and complex job.

Address: Abovyan, 8

Website: ter-ghazaryans-micro-art-museum

Museum of Literature and Art named after Yeghishe Charents

The largest storehouse of Armenian culture is named after the famous poet of the early 20th century. The treasury of the museum has 1 million exhibits, including national literature, music and cinema. Some of the objects are over 300 years old. These are both archival records and personal belongings of Armenian artists. The library fund of the museum is striking in volume - more than 60 thousand old books.

Address: Aram, 1

Website: amusmuseums.org

Nur Art Gallery

The stylish modern gallery of the Armenian jeweler Arman Nur is a work of art in itself. The talented master paints canvases, sculpts and makes one-of-a-kind jewelry. Noor's works are in the collections of celebrities, but the owner of the gallery hospitably welcomes ordinary tourists and sometimes personally conducts excursions. Combining completely different materials, Nur creates unique masterpieces that are impossible to pass by.

Address: Amiryan, 1

Website: nur.am

Art Gallery "Arev"

The Soul Gallery on Teryan Street belongs to the Armenian artist Arevik Petrosyan. Most of the gallery is dedicated to the exhibition of paintings by the hostess herself and other contemporary masters. But often they come here and just spend time in the company of people of art. The gallery is always open for art evenings and jazz music concerts. Armenian poets read poetry here, and the atmosphere of creativity reigns.

Address: Teryana, 19

Site: arev-art.com

Museum "Megerian Carpet"

The museum of the company with a hundred-year history is one of the most unusual in Armenia. Here you can see a special kind of art - carpets. The halls show off not only carpets of their own production, but also very old specimens brought from abroad. They are united by one thing - they are all exclusively of Armenian origin. The most ancient exhibits are being restored by skilled craftsmen “Megerian Carpet”. There is also an exhibition hall in the museum where you can buy an excellent modern carpet from this factory.

Address: Yerevan, st. Madoyan, 9

Website: megeriancarpet.am

Geological Museum of Armenia

There are about 12 thousand exhibits in the museum, named after the Armenian geologist, Professor Karapetyan. The museum is already over 80 years old, and during this period it has collected an impressive collection of minerals from Armenia and abroad, as well as archaeological finds. On the basis of the museum, there are children's sections for young geologists, often special lectures for students are held here.

Address: Yerevan, Marshal Baghramyan Avenue, 24 A

Site: facebook.com

State Museum of Nature of Armenia

The museum was opened in 1952, and nowadays, in 2004, it moved to a new building on Tigran Mets Ave. Here you can get acquainted with the natural resources of Armenia. The exhibits include stuffed animals living in the region, herbarium of plants, and samples of minerals. As well as listed in the Red Book and long-extinct specimens of flora and fauna.

Address: Tigran Metsi, 34

Website: smn.am

House-Museum of Avetik Isahakyan

In 1975, on the occasion of the birthday of the poet, master of the word Avetik Isahakyan, the authorities of Yerevan presented the opening of a memorial museum. Shortly before his death, the great writer lived and worked in this house. Here he was born. In the setting, the old traditions and life of the poet's ancestors have been preserved. Today the museum gathers visitors for literary meetings, presentations and open lectures.

Address: Zarobyan, 20

Website: isahakyanmuseum.am

House-Museum of Martiros Saryan

Each room of the museum looks the same as during the life of the painter. The interior is reproduced in the smallest detail. The museum is already more than half a century old, and the artist himself donated most of the exhibits for the exhibition. Saryan adored the landscapes of Armenia, therefore the fund of his works is represented to a greater extent by painting. The museum contains over 300 of his canvases.

Address: M. Saryan, 3

Site: sarian.am

Folk Art Center of Armenia

Armenian life is a whole science. And it is with him that the Folk Art Center invites visitors to get acquainted. The exhibition halls are home to old clothing, jewelry, masterpieces of needlework. When visiting, you should pay special attention to the hall with Armenian carpets. The history of the people of Armenia is traced here with all their household chores, talents and superstitions.

Address: Abovyan, 64

Website: folkartcenter.am

Little Einstein Science Museum

More likely not even a museum, but an interactive playground for children - a very tempting place for the younger generation of Yerevan. Here, acquaintance with science does not take place by the method of boring lectures, but by the opportunity to touch and try everything on yourself. The museum opened in 2016 and has already become more popular among children than entertainment centers. With the help of unusual exhibits, children learn the laws of physics and participate in interesting experiments.

Address: Yerevan, Komitasi ave., 40/2

Website: poqrikeinstein.am

House-Museum of Derenik Demirchyan

The apartment where the Armenian poet and playwright lived became a museum in 1977. Three rooms reflect all periods of a writer’s life - from adolescence to his death in 1929. Furniture and personal belongings of Demirchyan, the fund of his literary works have been preserved in the premises. The museum also displays works by other masters - a bust of the playwright and canvases dedicated to him.

Address: Abovyan, 29, apt. four

Site: gatmuseum.am

House-Museum of Alexander Spendiaryan

The composer's apartment has not been completely preserved in its original form. Only the maestro's workplace was recreated with precision. The museum was founded in the 60s, in its collection there are things belonging to Spendiaryan, posters of his performances, musical sketches and even a personal piano. There are more than a thousand exhibits in total. The museum also includes a small operating concert hall.

Address: Nalbandyan, 21

Website: spendiaryanmuseum.am
