10 main temples of Khabarovsk


A visit to the temples of Khabarovsk must be included in the excursion tourist program. For the most part, these are Orthodox churches, however, there is also an unusual architecture for the church of Evangelical Christians-Baptists. Orthodox churches were built in the traditional Russian style, with elements of eclecticism, but each of them has its own distinctive features. The Assumption Church amazes tourists with its beauty and grandeur. Lovers of historical buildings go to the Church of St. Innocent of Irkutsk.

Some tourists begin their inspection from the highest church - the Transfiguration Cathedral. The temples of Khabarovsk have a different history. Some were built at the beginning of this century, but have already won the love and trust of the parishioners. Some churches survived the destruction during the Soviet era, but were restored by the labor of parishioners and church ministers.

Operating churches and cathedrals in Khabarovsk

List of the most famous and popular temples in the city.

Transfiguration Cathedral

Orthodox Cathedral. Built on the banks of the Amur in 2004. The construction took three years. One of the tallest churches in Russia - its height is 83 meters. The cathedral is decorated with five gilded domes. The frescoes inside the church were created by artists specially invited from Moscow. They were invited by the bishop of the Amur and Khabarovsk regions. The Transfiguration Cathedral can accommodate up to 3000 parishioners.

Address: Khabarovsk, st. Turgenev, 24

Website: blogs.pravostok.ru

Assumption Cathedral

The first stone cathedral built in Khabarovsk. One of the largest in this city. The construction of the temple was completed in 1886, but in 1930 it was destroyed. The restoration of the temple began only in 2002, and for this a new architectural project was created. Only the forms of arches and domes were taken from the old version, and the Russian style of construction was preserved. The icon of the temple "The Word was made flesh" is considered miraculous.

Address: Khabarovsk, Komsomolskaya square, 1

Website: blogs.pravostok.ru

Temple of Seraphim of Sarov

It is located in the Krasnoflotskiy district, in a place called "Serafimova Gorka". An icon of the Monk Seraphim of Sarov was brought to Khabarovsk in 1993; it is with this event that the decision to build a temple in his honor is associated. It is believed that the numerous signs that occurred during the presence of the icon in the city cannot be neglected, and in 2001 the temple began to be built. Construction ended in 2004.

Address: Tikhookeanskaya, 167

Website: blogs.pravostok.ru

Church of St. Innocent of Irkutsk

It was erected on the Military Mountain in 1869. A hospital was erected near the church built of stone, and a parish school was founded. During the Soviet era in 1931, the building of the temple was taken from the church and used for economic and administrative needs. For almost 30 years, the Khabarovsk Planetarium worked in the building of the temple. It was entered through the altar. The restoration of the temple began in 1991.

Address: Turgenev, 73 B

Website: svt-innokentiy.info

Nativity of Christ Cathedral

The money for the construction of a wooden church next to the Siberian Railway in 1900 was allocated by the Alexander III Foundation. A school was opened in the church, and the spiritual enlightenment of exiles and military personnel was also assigned to it. The people called the church "station" or "exile". After the appearance of the annex - the side-chapel of Innokentiy of Irkutsk, a small earlier church became a diocesan cathedral.

Address: Leningradskaya, 65

Website: blogs.pravostok.ru

Church of the Great Martyr Grand Duchess Elizabeth

The construction of the temple began in 2000. It contains shrines that are considered great. These are icons and arks where particles of the relics of saints are kept, including a particle of the Lord's tunic. The height of the temple is 54 meters. The capacity is over 2000 parishioners. Unusual services are held in the temple. For example, it has become an annual tradition to hold a prayer service for the closing of the motorcycle season, which is attended by members of the Night Wolves motorcycle club.

Address: Voronezhskaya, 49/1

Website: www.st-elizabeth.ru

Temple of Alexander Nevsky

Opened in 1943 - during the Great Patriotic War. In 1982, the building of the temple was badly damaged by fire. Part of the walls and the foundation have survived. However, the parishioners managed to preserve the icon of St. Alexander Nevsky. The complete restoration of the temple took 2 years. By 2010, the reconstruction of the temple was completed, the premises were overhauled. The temple received new furniture and equipment, as well as a gilded gospel.

Address: Yasnaya, 24 A

Chapel of the Resurrection of Christ

Built in 2000 at the entrance to the city cemetery. A chapel was created in memory of the innocent victims. In the 1930s, a mass grave was made at this cemetery for the executed "enemies of the people". During these years in the Khabarovsk Territory, about 10 thousand people were shot according to various sources. The chapel was built with donations from people. During construction, a capsule with a message to descendants was immured under a bowl with candles.

Address: Khabarovsk, Khabarovsk cemetery, southeast of the building at st. Karl Marx, 205 V

Church of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos

This building previously housed the Mir cinema. When the building was handed over to the temple in 1992, it was practically destroyed. Water supply, sewerage system did not work, electricity was not supplied. The restoration of the building took several years. Services and religious rites, including baptism, were held in a building that was still being renovated. The consecration of the temple and its official opening took place only in 2008.

Address: Vologodskaya, 28 A

Site: pokrov27.info

Church of Evangelical Christian Baptists

It is a building that differs in appearance from the usual Orthodox churches. Instead of the usual domes, there are pointed silvered spiers, and instead of white plastered walls, there is red brickwork. Located next to a small cozy park, away from the city center. The unusual building attracts tourists, and the locals consider this building to be a tourist attraction.

Address: Leningradskaya, 23 A

Website: www.dvexb.ru
