Top 25 - excursions in Sochi


Excursions in Sochi are a rich program, both for active tourists and for lovers of a leisurely vacation. The city has always had something to offer vacationers, and after a large-scale renovation arranged for the 2014 Olympics, the number of places for educational leisure has only increased.

Unique natural areas, modern sports facilities, various beaches, museums and attractions of all types - this is what Sochi is rich in. At the same time, its surroundings also offer an interesting pastime, and tours to Abkhazia are as commonplace as a trip to the sea.

A number of excursions involve a cursory examination and will not take more than a couple of hours, while others carry away for the whole day. It is impossible to remain indifferent to the city, so many guests come back here again and again.

Sochi - a list and description of interesting excursions around the city and its surroundings

What to visit and where to go? The best entertainment in the resort!

To Abkhazia from Sochi

A trip to a republic rich in natural beauty is an integral part of a visit to Sochi. Especially if such an excursion is the first for a tourist. There are a lot of waterfalls and mountain ranges, which are associated with historical facts, as well as local legends. Gagra, Lake Ritsa, New Athos Monastery, Anakopia Fortress, Stalin's dacha and other sights show Abkhazia from different angles. Picturesque landscapes and man-made creations are perfectly combined here. The program depends on the choice of the guide, but the flavor of the unrecognized state and its people is felt regardless of the route.

City tour

Traditionally, this kind of leisure is suitable both for those who want to get a glimpse of the city, and for those who wish to outline interesting objects for themselves in order to explore them in more detail later. The excursion route runs through the main attractions of Sochi. The central part of the city, its embankments and history come to the fore. Olympic venues, as a symbol of transformation and innovation, will also not be left out. Filming locations of cult Soviet films, legends of the local mountains, an arboretum, museums and architectural monuments - nothing escapes the sight of tourists.

Double-decker bus "Matryoshka"

The starting and ending points of the route are the railway station and the state farm "Russia". The buses are comfortable and very colorful. Stewards are always there, ready to answer questions and help you find your way. Each passenger is given headphones for listening to the audio guide. The tour was developed by historians and recorded by speakers in four languages, including Russian. She talks about the sights that are outside the window at the moment (synchronously with the trip). Olympic facilities, the country's first entertainment park, a seaport - intermediate stops.


One of the directions of eco-tourism. Sochi and the surrounding area can boast of a considerable number of waterfalls, both single and located next to each other. In the Sochi National Park on the Azhek River, you can see a thirty-meter waterfall and even swim in its waters. Another natural wonder is the waterfalls in the Shahe river valley. Here, special attention should be paid to plants. Broad-leaved shrubs and flowers from the local flora are included in the Red Book. Some are especially beautiful at certain times of the year, while others amaze guests with their splendor throughout the tourist season.

Olympic facilities

The legacy of the 2014 Winter Olympics delights tourists throughout the year. Rosa Khutor is a ski resort often visited for other purposes. Even a simple walk here brings a lot of impressions, not to mention the cable car. From the top of Rosa Peak, a panoramic view from which will take your breath away. "Roller coaster", "Sanki" - two modern sports complexes, which are sharpened for certain disciplines. You can ride golf carts or walk around the Olympic Park. Here are the arenas "Fisht" and "Puck", as well as "Iceberg" - an ice palace.

Lake Ritsa

Located in Abkhazia. The road to the lake is a full-fledged acquaintance with the republic. This includes a visit to waterfalls, the vicinity of the city of Gagra, a stop at ancient fortresses, a walk through natural areas, and more. The guide will tell you about the legends and history of Abkhazia, and will also advise on what is best to bring your friends and family from here. The lake itself is located in the valley of the Bzyb River at an altitude of about a kilometer above sea level. Flowing rivers can change the color of the water in the Ritsa. In severe winters, the surface is covered with a layer of ice. There are many fish in the lake, including trout. Stalin's and Brezhnev's dachas are nearby.

New Athos

This city is famous primarily for its monastery. Another Abkhaz attraction that must be visited. Here you can get an idea of ​​the history of the republic, learn about important milestones in the formation of statehood and about the people's exploits of local residents. Scenic views can be found around the ruins of the Anakopia fortress. Here you can walk along the "imperial" path and see Chekhov's house. From a religious point of view, the monastery and its surroundings are important, as they became the place of life of one of the apostles of Christ. Tourists are invited to visit the bazaar and look into the caves.

Vorontsov Caves

Their length is about twelve kilometers. Archaeologists have found enough evidence that our ancestors lived here a couple of tens of centuries ago. Stalagmites and stalactites are highlighted, and the paths around are comfortable enough. The site of an ancient man has been restored in one of the halls. There are also the remains of a cave bear - a common animal for those times. Of the current inhabitants, only small animals remain, for example, bats, which hide in secluded corners, only occasionally making themselves felt. And limestone takes on bizarre forms and forms miraculous works of art in caves.

Visiting the beekeeper Gamzat

A complete guided tour of honey and southern hospitality. The cozy courtyard of the beekeeper Gamzat is a place to get acquainted with the peculiarities of beekeeping. The hospitable owner, mixed with bikes, talks about his profession. There is also a special hive with glass, which allows you to observe the work of the bees. Then comes the time for tasting and drinking tea. Gamzat lets you taste different types of honey, teaches them to distinguish and identify a fake. He also talks a lot about how to eat honey correctly in order to enjoy the process. Those who wish can dine here with barbecue or baked fish. The tour is suitable for children from 3 years old.

Mount Akhun

The place is famous for its natural views, waterfalls and rivers. The trail to Agursky waterfalls is laid through the gorge and is literally carved into the rock. As for Mount Akhun, it is a small ridge stretching parallel to the coastline. More than a hundred years ago, tourist trails appeared here, and after the improvement of these places in the 30s of the last century, the number of guests increased significantly. The highest point is 663 meters above sea level. It was here that a tower was built, and next to it a restaurant. The observation deck offers panoramic views of the nearby cities, including Sochi. The tower is a monument of federal significance.

Krasnaya Polyana

Tourists here, resting side by side, can spend time in completely different rhythms, so extensive is the Krasnaya Polyana program. Fans of interesting places should make a stop at the trout farm. You can test your nerves and admire the views from the world's longest suspension bridge (almost half a kilometer).Nearby is the Skypark, where swings, towers and slides of all types will make you fall into childhood and feel like an extreme. It is worth freshening up at the mineral springs and taking natural sparkling water with you. The wine tasting nearby smoothly flows into the lunch from the dishes of the national cuisine. And the cable car and Rosa Khutor will complement the already formed impression of the local beauty.

Walk in the mountains

There are many routes for such excursions. Any of them is an acquaintance with the local flavor and natural beauty. The mountains can be hiked or cycled. The stops and the road will not be too different, so you will still be able to see the waterfalls, the ruins of fortresses, and unique plants. On the way, the guide will tell you about the history of the region, legends and traditions, explain the names of rivers and ridges, and give advice on tourism for the future. The excursion is suitable for outdoor enthusiasts who are not accustomed to sitting still even while on vacation.

Evening Sochi

One of the types of sightseeing tours, the opportunity to look at the city from a different angle. There are several viewing platforms in Sochi, which are especially good at dusk. These include the Grape Mountain and the "Rose of the Winds" tower. They offer views of different plans of the surroundings. In addition, do not forget about the other sights. Streets and buildings are additionally illuminated, and people, especially in the center and near iconic objects, do not become much less even with the onset of night. Olympic facilities, embankments, monuments and parks take on new shapes and leave completely different impressions.

Stalin's dacha

The leader of the peoples had about twenty dachas, and one of them is in Sochi. It has been turned into a house-museum and welcomes visitors all year round. The interiors and garden have not changed at all. They are distinguished by modesty and practicality in every detail. At the table sits a wax figure of Stalin, very naturalistic and similar to the original. On the ground floor there is a restaurant of the same name, where you can choose from the favorite dishes of Joseph Vissarionovich, as well as Georgian wine. During the excursion, guests are told a brief history of the life of the secretary general, as well as about his visits to Sochi.

Jeep tours

A wide range of directions unites the way of travel. All cars are comfortable and allow you to enjoy the excursion without worrying about the details. The sightseeing tour covers the nearby natural sites: Navalishchenskoe gorge, waterfalls, Eagle rocks and others. Trips to Abkhazia will allow you to make stops at lakes, cross passes, and make stops at mineral springs. Jeeps are also suitable for conquering some mountains. Well-prepared roads allow you to avoid difficult pedestrian ascents and easily find yourself at the very top near observation platforms.

Sea excursions

Transport and direction entirely depends on the budget of the travelers. Sochi offers a wide program of walks and excursions along the sea. Those who do not spare money for a luxurious vacation rent yachts of various sizes and degrees of comfort. The price will vary depending on what is on board. Boat excursions are the following in the price range on the list. You can rent such a craft with or without a captain. The cruise ship rounds off the list. Such a vacation should be chosen either by a large company, or by those who are not against neighbors.

Tea excursions

Not everyone knows that tea is grown in the Krasnodar Territory. Real plantations between Loo and Dagomys are lost in the mountains. The varieties that have taken root here are the most northern of the existing ones. They are distinguished by a special aroma. Considering that here the leaves are collected and stored in the right conditions, this tea differs from the one bought in the store for the better. The tasting consists of a tea party with traditional treats. On the way to Solokh-Aul, called the birthplace of Russian tea, tourists visit a monastery, an apiary, holy springs, a font, an observation deck and other objects.

Psakho canyons

As part of this excursion, tourists visit two canyons: Wet and Sukhoi. Their names largely explain the nature of these places. The first is dominated by real subtropics, probably the most northern of the existing ones. Ferns, moss, ivy on the slopes, lianas and a winding river with canopies make the atmosphere around more like an adventure movie than an ordinary walk. The second is located at a distance of several kilometers. It features high walls, sometimes narrow passages, as well as an exit to the Kolokolnaya cave, where many bats live.

Sky park

Opened in 2014. An amusement park located at a height. It contains attractions worthy of the Guinness Book of Records, they are so unique and breathtaking. The main attraction is a suspension bridge, about half a kilometer long. Bungee jumping lovers jump from it. In addition, there are wonderful views of the valley from here. Despite the fact that the swings and slides look extreme, the park has an increased degree of safety, the observance of the smallest details of the operation of the attractions is closely monitored.

Helicopter excursions

Another type of sightseeing tour. Allows you to explore the city and its attractions from the other side. In a short time, you can fly over all important objects, both natural and man-made. The flight time is about an hour and a half. Most of the companies providing the service provide a full transfer, picking up the client from the hotel and bringing him back. Depending on the brand of the helicopter, the number of passengers is also limited: in some there are only four, in others - fifteen. The tour is suitable for those who are tired of everyday life and prefer to combine different types of leisure.

Thermal spring Kyndyg

To get here, you need to drive through the whole of Abkhazia. Wellness treatments that take about two hours await guests on site. There are contraindications - cancer. The complex of procedures includes: warming up in the pool, swimming in the spring, walking on the bottom lined with pebbles, back massage with a shower, therapeutic mud and so on. Usually such a trip is combined with a visit to Sukhum. In the capital of the unrecognized state, there is a museum about the history of the republic. In addition, the city has many themed restaurants and cafes with national cuisine.


Located behind Adler in a village called Gumaria. In total, there are ten species of monkeys in the nursery, and there are about two and a half thousand individuals. Each has its own character. They cannot be fully called tame, but they are not considered wild either. The only experimental primatology institute in the country. It was removed from Sukhum in the early 90s of the last century. The road is accompanied by a story about the history of the region. Inside, professionals in their field work with groups and tourists, who know everything about monkeys. Together with the nursery, they often visit the Matsesta aquarium.

Horse rides

Companies providing this type of recreation, for the most part, provide a transfer to the collection point. Walking routes are different. They have only one thing in common: they are always aimed at acquaintance with the local beauty. Tours vary in difficulty levels. Even if tourists have never mounted a horse, they will find a direction suitable for a leisurely walk and help them navigate. Some of the excursions are accompanied by the stories of the guide, others are simple horseback trips without any extras. By agreement, you can take children from the age of three with you.

Trinity-Georgievsky Convent

It is located in the village of Lesnoye, not far from Sochi. Founded in 1999. Receiver of the male monastery, destroyed during the Soviet era. There are several temples in the area. The monastery contains parts of the relics of various saints. In the temple in the name of the Holy Great Martyr Huar, they pray for those who have departed from the faith or are unbaptized.In the church in honor of the icon of the Mother of God "Seven-shot" there is a porcelain iconostasis, in the home church it is made of pressed Himalayan salt, and in the church of the Icon of the Mother of God "Satisfy My Sorrows" - lime wood carved.

Night on the wild beach

Suitable for lovers of unusual recreation, those who have already explored Sochi and its surroundings well and are looking for new experiences. Companies and private guides take full responsibility for preparing for the night: they build a full-fledged comfortable parking lot. Set up tents, prepared sleeping bags and campfire sites, cooked dinner are all included in the payment. Tourists get to the place on their own, and then they no longer know any worries. Guides often work in groups on these hikes to ensure that there is ample time for each client without fussing between talking about local attractions and flipping meat on the grill.
